Animals Myth And Legend-2

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Animals Myth And Legends

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A group of birds owe theri name to the Greek belief that they nest in the seas that were made calm by the gods for that purpose. Many kingfisher belong to the genus of Halcyon. This wide ranging genus is so named from two Greek words meaning  the sea and peace. The greeks believed that the seas were made calm for the birds to nest in, but ironically Halcyon is a group of kingfisher which are least dependent on water. They can eat frogs and reptiles and can live far away from water. They nest in mud-banks or even in trees where they excavate holes. Even today, Halcyon  means peace and tranquility.    

Below You see the picture of HALCYON

Oven Birds

A bird is considered 'The Good Christian' for constructing its nest by Saturday evening and resting on Sundays. Yup its the Oven Bird. Oven birds are a large group of some 200 odd species which all live inSouth America. They build characteristic oven shaped mud nest. One of them reinforces its mud nest with grass and is known as the baker . Nobody knows how the birds got 'The Good Christian' title but the belief about their resting on Sundays persists.

Hyena (Picture above)

The Hyena is known throughout North India as the 'Baby lifter'. The hyena is a noctunal scavenger, present throughout India and is found in the foot-hills and in dry nullahs and caves. The animal, which is known for its peculiar call resembling human laughter, often preys on sheeps, goats and calves. It rather prefers sick or helpless animals, but despite its reputation of being cowardly, it has often been seen to deprive large animals of their kills. It is known as a Baby Lifter in many parts of India although the reputation is quite unfounded.

Below you see the small sweet Oven Bird